Human caring theory

Document Type:Creative Writing

Subject Area:Nursing

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In Emergency nursing area staffing is a critical problem with nurse-patient ratios exceeding the required limits. The basic or widely comprise of 1 nurse for every three patients. Through the application of nursing theory, specific issues and problems such as staffing which are integrated in the realm of nursing can easily be resolved. Shea, & Cavan, 2014). The “Caring Nursing theory” provides a plan and framework through which adequate interventions in nursing are installed and implemented within practice. This paper focuses on the application of Watson’s Caring Theory in remedying the staffing concerns in emergency departments and nursing leadership. Rationale Nurse staffing ensures that the quality of services and care for patients. It is also notable that nursing staffing has been a continuous problem for management and nurses. The shortcomings and drawbacks in ensuring the ratios and numbers of nurses as well as compassionate staff as dictated by the human caring theory negatively affects the satisfaction rates and the general patient outcomes in a given facility.

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Nursing staff problems should be considered a problem of impact or effect to the nurses and the patients as opposed to numbers in acute care, overworked nurses, huge workloads, unbalanced ratios and the absence of compassion and caring in this context of the theory. The Lewin’’s model is also known as Unfreeze-change-refreeze. This is a three-step process of change which explains organizational change using the analogy of the changing shape of a piece or block of ice. the first step is unfreeze. This first stage of change prepares the facility to accept that change is necessary. It involves breaking down the existing status quo before building up a new operational approach. It is notable that emergency services demand increase due to the admission process which is slow and rigorous, a better and rapid admission program saves lives, reduces emergency nurse workload and most importantly balances the patient-nurse ratios.

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It is important for nurses and emergency department staff to understand how the changes benefit them for a rapid and smooth transition (Cummings et al. The last step is refreezing. This serves to maintain the changes. When the changes have taken shape, and people involved embraced the working ways, the organization is deemed ready to refreeze (Cummings et al. In the same context, the Watsons theory focuses on allowing religious practice beyond ego. Through improved patient to nurse ratios, it is easier to recognize patients with religious limitations, assign them to nurses conforming or aligning with the same religion or simply asking the patient how they would like care to be administered that does not violate their religious tenets. Lastly, the human caring theory provides the caring-healing environment (Morrow, 2014). Barriers The application and implementation of the human caring theory into practices are faced by several potential challenges; firstly, the primary potential objection to the application of this theory in nursing staffing and leadership development is the amount of education and change required.

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This is because the theory does not rely on the familiar methods of recruitment and retention which as much as they are successful revolve around the long term. Application of the human caring theory transforms nursing leadership as well as organizations to improve staffing and quality of patient outcomes. References Cummings, S. Bridgman, T. Brown, K. G. doi:10. j. ijnurstu. Morrow, M. Caring Science, mindful practice: Implementing Watson’s human caring theory. Herrera, C. Mark, B. Using minimum nurse staffing regulations to measure the relationship between nursing and hospital quality of care. Medical Care Research and Review, 70(4), 380–399. Retrieved from http://www.

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