STD Teaching Experience Paper

Document Type:Creative Writing

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Based on these sexually transmitted infections, I offered the possible ways of infection. This way, I emphasized that the most common mode of transmission of the STIs is through sexual intercourse between an infected person and an uninfected individual. In this context, I informed the students that STIs are transmitted between people through the conduct of body fluids such as semen, vaginal fluid, blood, and saliva. As a result, I described the possible ways through which the students can prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections. The epidemiological rationale for the topic There are different values presented toward the depiction of the severity and prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases in different places. In addition to this, the students depicted a variety of understanding the teaching contents. This is based on the students’ different levels of exposure to materials and knowledge about the selected topic.

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Notably, some students were familiar with the common sexually transmitted infections. Other students were only familiar with HIV/AIDS as the only common sexually transmitted infection. During the teaching, it was also evident that the students had different levels of knowledge on the various methods of preventing themselves from contracting sexually transmitted. This served as an encouragement towards the future teaching of similar topics. As written by Magyar-Moe et al. positive feedback encourages engagement and promotes wanted behaviors among the student participants. By showing their support toward the teaching, the parents contributed toward informing the students that it was appropriate to adhere to the deliberations formulated during the teaching. Negative responses Even though there was the positive community response to teaching, there were various cases of negative community response to teaching the students ways to prevent the spread of STIs.

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in addition; I noted multiple areas that need to be improved for better outcomes. For instance, one of the areas of strength is that the teaching plan utilized a youth-centered perspective. It was responsive to the needs of the high school students and allowed them to be active participants while developing and delivering the formulated interventions to prevent the spread and STI infections. The approach was youth-centered because it also used the school’s multipurpose hall which was accessible to all the high school students for the selected school. It was also youth-centered because it involved the students in various activities such as planning, facilitating, mentoring, and executing specific tasks. Also, encouraging the youth to abstain is evidence-based approach because people who abstain from sexual intercourse would rarely get infected with STIs.

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Potential Areas of Improvement Despite the various areas of strength, there are certain areas where improvement is required in the future. For instance, as supported by Robinson-wood (2016), there is need to develop culturally appropriate strategies. The main reason for this inference is because, during the entire teaching, there was no specific focus aimed towards the cultural and community values of the target participants. To obtain culturally appropriate, as revealed by Shen (2015), there is need to undertake a self-assessment on the students’ cultural values, perspectives, and assumptions. L. Conoley, C. W. Positive psychological interventions in counseling: What every counseling psychologist should know. The Counseling Psychologist, 43(4), 508-557. J. Shapshak, P. Multidisciplinary Approach to HIV/AIDS: Historical Perspective. In Global Virology II-HIV and NeuroAIDS (pp. Springer, New York, NY.

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Document 2

This paper will discuss teaching experience within a community which required education concerning STDs. In addition, it will include a teaching plan in summary, epidemiological rationale for teaching the sexually transmitted diseases, evaluation of the teaching experience and the response of the community and also the weaknesses and strengths noted from the process of teaching. Teaching plan summary Upon the assessment of the needs of education in Community of Lehigh Acres, it was decided that one of the needs especially among the adolescents and young adults is to know more about STDs. This community has relatively higher population of teenagers and young adults who are unable to access the information and education about the STDs, and particularly preventive education. Because of the nature of the topic, many people who are expected to handle this topic with this target group shy off, or they do an insufficient job.

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The data reveals that 46 percent of the target population has ever had sexual intercourse. During the past 3 months, about 34 percent have had sex. Out of these, about 39 percent had sex without using a condom during their last se episode, and 77 percent of them didn’t employ pregnancy prevention measures such as Depo-Provera or birth control pills the last time they had sex. The data also reveals that about 14 percent of them have had multiple partners in their life. In addition, an approximate of 8,300 teenagers within the age of 13 and 24 years throughout the forty states in the year 2009 reported HIV positive to CDC. These students were greeted warmly and they were informed that this session would be very interesting and casual enough and so they needed to relax and be at ease.

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They were also encouraged to be very free and ask questions on what they did not understand or what they needed to know more about a particular subject. The total number of students was seventy. All the students agreed that they have had a feeling of sexual attraction to either the same sex or the opposite sex. After the students were warmly welcomed, the education forum then began officially. She told that that within 10 seconds it is possible to have all the students in the room infected with STDs, and this then was worth discussion and attention because of the many people that were victims to it. After that the teacher played a video on the screen that showed how students of young age were suffering from the symptoms of STDs.

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Many became pregnant, others were hospitalized, others dropped out of school, many became depressed and many other symptoms. The teacher then taught the students about the risky practices that would result in transmission of STDs. She told them that having multiple sexual partners was the biggest risk factor, and this was the reason why many of the young people in the community needed to avoid this behavior. From the response, the objectives and goals that were set for the form were met successfully. The participants revealed that they felt that this education was offered to them adequately and in very professional and interactive manner. However, one area was not given an excellent rating. This was that one slide contained too small fonts such that some students struggled to read. Some also said that the classroom was a bit cold.

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Also, the distribution of the information could have been taken to wider locations and this would reach many in the community. Summary Prevention and promotion of health for sexually transmitted diseases is a need among the young people because it spreads at a very high rate. Teaching the students and teenagers on prevention measures and treatment options available would result in better prognosis. Individuals can be helped greatly by reaching out to them within their local residential areas. When the teenagers are taught the risk factors early in life, it would help them to start adopting a better lifestyle as soon as possible.

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