Importance of caffeine to Human Body
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Education
The positive health impacts of caffeine explored in this paper include improving memory performance, enhancing the gastric motility, easing pain and stimulation of gastric acid production. Besides, caffeine also minimizes the risks of dying from heart diseases and stroke. In addition, it improves physical body performance. This paper also examines some of the demerits of caffeine consumption such as the high risk of addiction and possible negative impacts on the respiratory system. The role of caffeine in increasing expectancy related risks and possible interference with the body metabolism are also examined herein. Consumption of caffeine is always associated with both the health and social benefits despite the fact that its consumption has some associated risks. Caffeine plays an important role in human body. Caffeine enhances memory performance. Those who ingest caffeine experience better memory boosting effects in situations of physiological low points.
Besides caffeine plays an important role in ensuring that people remain awake while taking part in activities such as learning (Wasson, 2017, p. Caffeine plays a role in easing the pain. Caffeine performs the role of analgesic adjuvant in the human body. According to Lipton, Diener, Robbins, Garas, and Patel (2017) which sought to assess the therapeutic impacts of caffeine as an analgesic adjuvant, it aids in relieving pain among patients with postpartum uterine cramping, post-surgical pain, episiotomy pain, and headache. The article shows that the in-patients with post-Dural puncture headache can derive pain relief by ingesting 300mg (oral) and 500mg (intravenous ) caffeine. For the hypnic headache patients, characterized by nocturnal headaches, caffeine constitutes the most effective treatment approach(Lipton, Robbins, Garas, & Patel, 2017, p. Those who consume 2 to 3 cups had 18% lower risk. According to a study conducted across the European countries, taking coffee lowers death risks by 18% among men and 8% among women at any age.
The study discovered that the benefits remained relevant irrespective of the country despite the fact that caffeine consumption was not linked to lowering risks in all the types of cancer. In this study, those who drink coffee had relatively better results in various biological markers encompassing glucose control, and the liver enzymes. Caffeine also improves physical body performance. The mean temperature is also relatively higher among the caffeine users compared to its no-caffeine users. The study also revealed that the localized sweat volume and the active sweat gland output are significantly higher among caffeine users. Caffeine tends to increase the sweat density in the thigh and abdomen. Ingestion of caffeine thus increases tympanic temperature via thermogenesis and increases sweating through sudomotor activity. A large amount of caffeine consumption is likely to interfere with the metabolism and absorption of calcium.
Caffeine is capable of making blood pressure go high(Robertson & Curatolo, 1984, 21). This is attributed either the increase in adrenaline or the temporary block in the hormones which naturally widens the arteries. It is thus challenging for those with hypertension to reap the benefits of caffeine. Besides, by caffeine increasing the quantity of acid in the stomach, the chances of heartburn or upset are common. Excessive intake of caffeine also leads to a frequent urge to urinate. Caffeine consumption also improves the overall physical performance of a body. This is made possible because caffeine enhances the production of adrenaline, which ensures that more fats are broken down to yield energy. There are however some setbacks for those who use caffeine. This is particularly worse for those who overuse the substance. Such individuals risks being addicted to the product.
Effects of caffeine and expectancy of caffeine on the human startle reflex. PsycEXTRA Dataset. Lipton, R. B. Robbins, H. Robertson, D. Curatolo, P. W. The Cardiovascular Effects of Caffeine. Caffeine, 77-85. Strimpel, Z. Murcott, T. February 2). Hair raisers. The Times. D. Kelly, V. G. The Effect of Caffeine on Repeat-High-Intensity-Effort Performance in Rugby League Players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(2), 206-210.
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