Inclusion and Common Core Standards
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Education
Inclusive principles have been developed by schools to ensure that all students are covered and enjoy the opportunity to acquire essential skills. This paper will look at how inclusion has been incorporated in the attainment of common core standards in special classes like physical education or art. Full inclusion will be looked at and arguments provided to justify whether the CCS should be used in every special education student as many states have adopted the standards. It will conclude by providing a position on to which group should have a special curriculum. Inclusion is seen as total acceptance of each and every student in an institution which gives him/her a sense of oneness and inclusivity inside a learning environment. The disabled learners are expected to have their life skills sharpened upon completion of the program in a bid to be ready for their careers.
They are seen to be long-term solutions to their life goals. Physical education gifts one an opportunity to prepare for adult life where the minors are expected to be of much importance to a family by playing part in welfare of the homestead. Students get a chance from this setting to learn and practice more skills learned in the classrooms in a given environment. They develop both attitude and values which enables them to navigate life as independent adults in the community. Six to twelve writings as well as reading have been provided for by the CCSS of science materials, technical subjects and social studies. History as well has also been included in this category. Other states may stress on the need of inclusion all disciplines beginning from the lower level to the highest level of education.
Literacy levels should be measured right from the moment one enrolls to a learning institution till a time when one is ready for career. Foundation to the skills taught in these institutions is laid down by tutors who plan and create them to focus on language and overall literacy of the learner. These activities improve the health of all students as they are kept fit and in the process avoid the chronic related diseases. Social benefits come along with physical education as students get to interact and in the process improve their confidence especially to those students who don't appreciate themselves. They also get to mingle with new faces other than with family members. As Power (2010) points out, the self-esteem which attributes to psychological benefit of the students gets to be boosted due to the confidence generated from interactions.
Many states in recent year have gone ahead and adopted the Common Core Standards and in so doing, suggestions have been raised that separate special education curriculum should not be given many considerations. This complexity, they think, is useful as it prepares the student in readiness to the career path of choice. Thurlow (2012) argues that disabled students have been mandated by these core standards to vigorously focus on life skills in a bid to place them in a respectable position in the society by being independent. On to which group should have a separate curriculum, in my opinion, each student has his/her own needs. Therefore, weaknesses and strengths become evident in the process of meeting their requirements. I would argue that programs should be included with regard to the level of disability of each student.
The Educational Relevance of Communication Disorders. The ASHA Leader, 15, 20-21. Thurlow, M. L. Common Core Standards: The promise and the peril for students with disabilities.
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