Influence of concept mapping on students learning English as their second language

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

Results………. Discussion/Conclusion…………. Additional Analysis…. Introduction to Quantitative Study 2…. Methodology. The family literacy, emergent reading skills, and phonological awareness are also associated with third-grade passage comprehension. There is the use of the syntactic and semantic variables which define the oral language. However, these variables did not significantly affect the variations in any of the used models. According to Whitehurst and Lonigan (1998), early understanding of contexts leads to better reading skills as one develops the reading skills. Theoretical or Conceptual Framework The research involves some conceptual framework. According to Whitehurst and Lonigan (1998), early understanding of contexts leads to better reading skills as one develops the reading skills. The family literacy, emergent reading skills, and phonological awareness are also associated with third-grade passage comprehension. Discussion/Conclusion The research meets the requirements of the study.

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The study also conquers with other research articles reviewed. This is because the factors considered in the study like family literacy and intelligence of the students are the same factors employed in other studies. The recommended improvement is the research is the use of variables that would bring about variations in the models used so that the results will be clearly understood. Outstanding Questions Based on the above quantitative research, there are some questions not really answered and they need to be addressed. This is the question on the impact of the student’s intelligence on their learning and ability to adapt the new changes in their learning environment. There should be some research on this question in particular since the student’s intelligence would really matter. Introduction to Quantitative Study 2 The paper talks about how the arousing situational interest affects the growth trajectory of individual interests.

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The treatment conditions got four situational interest which involved science problems but the control condition did not. All other factors are held equal. The results of the study show that the group involved in the problems they had repeated again developed some repeated arousal of situational interests. They also show growth in individual growth. However, there is some proposal on the change of the four-phase model of interest development. It also uses the quasi-experimental method. The first study involved 187 students and it tested the assumption that repeated situational arousal of interests affects the growth of individual interests. In the second study, 129 students which composed of four classes of primary school learners are involved. They are randomly selected and involved in two conditions in a quasi-experimental manner. The treatment conditions got four situational interest which involved science problems but the control condition did not.

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Also, the classes of students should be the same since the knowledge of students at different levels is not equal. For a future research, there should be some equality in the number of variables used in both models of research used so that concurrency comes out clearly. Additional Analysis Research-Theory Framework The variables used in the study takes the quasi-experimental relationship. They also take the correlation relationship where there is a comparison between the two studies involved in the research. Also, two groups are involved with one consisting of 189 students and the other one consisting of 129 students from different classes in the school. They subject their employees to some activities and through these activities, they test which one attracts the interests of most employees. The method tests the situational interests and also the individual interests on the circumstances the employees will be involved in.

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In a related research on the effects of performance-based methodology on the transfer of training the research is almost similar to the research in question. The study is done to show how they are able to bring out those skills learned to their jobs. It shows that only 5%-20% of what is learned is able to be exercised in the field. The other issue is on the use of students in the research. There should be the use of some different area or field of study so that some different results can be obtained. The comparison should e made on the different environments of research and by this, a better conclusion is drawn. References Creswell, J. W. K.  The influence of concept mapping on achievement, self-regulation, and self-efficacy in students of English as a second language.

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 Contemporary Educational Psychology. Rotgans, J. I.

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