McMinn Book Review

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Social Work

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The author offers a wide range of methodologies about how cognitive-behavioral therapy may incorporate psychology, theology, and spirituality ethically and effectively to navigate the client towards getting out of a compromising situation that they are going through (McMinn, 2010). The author is also keen to add to some cases within his content to give illustrations about how a counselor may go about in such a situation where he is bound to apply the three concepts. The author implies that cognitive therapy is that which is driven from a Christian perspective and makes the three concepts the foundations of his work. However, the author is keen to point out that, amidst all the technique that a counselor may want to try, developing a relationship that is therapeutic if both the counselor and client desire to experience sessions that are effective.

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In his book, McMinn does not fail to explain some of the challenges that are involved while a counselor is trying to integrate the three concepts. Reading through this helps me understand the reason why my counselor first inquired about my religious background even when I thought it did not relate to what I was going through. However, I found the topic quite interesting and that was carried out throughout the sessions all the way up to my full recovery. It is later that I came to realize that the interventions that the counselor was using were Christian-based and he was trying to incorporate psychology, theology, and spirituality to help me recover from my depression (McMinn, 2010). The counselor was friendly from the word go, and the therapeutic relationship that we established at the beginning set a stepping stone for me to enjoy the sessions and recover adequately.

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One thing I realize in this book is that the approach that my counselor used impacted me positively because I did not only conquer my situation but also started praying and reading scriptures more than I was doing before. However, the unique part about this book is that the relationship that the counselor establishes at the first session is what will determine how the client will cooperate with the interventions. Ultimately, the bottom line about integrating psychology, theology, and spirituality is for the counselor to help the client understand that the aspects covered such as sin, forgiveness, and redemption are vital in bringing an individual closer to God who then relieves them of the misery that they are going through. Application I will be working as a counselor in the guidance and counseling department that addresses the personal issues that students may be facing which on the other hand, may affect their academic and personal development.

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In this case, I expect to find cases of depression, drug abuse, and relationships among others. As a Christian duty, I have a vital duty of ensuring that I employ the necessary intervention to suit different students with different situations. As much as I would want to stay in line with integrating spiritualism with counseling, it is true that I will meet a wide range of religion and that will require that I change my interventions to suit the preferences of the client. Ultimately, the critical thing to note that a good relationship with the client is what matters and seeing the client recover is the ultimate goal regardless of the interventions that the counselor chooses. Undoubtedly, this book has significant assisted me as a Christian counselor to multitask and apply the concepts that are necessary to foster recovery among my clients.

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References McMinn, M. R.

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