Multiple Intelligence Theory
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Education
The topic listed is within the Social/Civic as well as Science/Description breadth areas. This research is important to all educators who are in the head start, preschool, early elementary educational fields as well as all educators in general because it allows additional information as to the many ways an individual can learn and continue to gain knowledge. For example, some individuals learn best by moving around using their body movement what is called Kinesthetic learners while others are logical give them a set of numbers and that’s all they need. It helps in understanding the individual as their own entity rather than a whole – that everyone learns one certain way and that’s the only way when in fact, that is false. Different minds have different opinions, values and knowledge that comes with them.
Phonology, the study of how sounds are arranged and used in natural languages, entails the inventory of sounds, their features and how sounds interact with each other. Some of the features in phonology dictates that words can rhyme or that they can have the same pronunciation but spelt differently. Syntaxes on the other hand dictates that words and other elements can be combined in a sentence structure to form a grammatical sentence with meaning. The syntax feature of linguistic intelligence governs the order and arrangements of words to give meaning to a sentence. Semantics, however, concerns itself with the meaning of words and their connotations. Some of the times the students are capable of doing the logical calculation without drafting the procedures on a draft paper. Therefore, students with proper logical intelligence can interact easily with logical patterns and experiment with surrounding in orderly fashion as compared to those with little logical intelligence.
Moreover, it is recommended that students who are poor in logical intelligence tests be trained on logical calculations in order to bolster their logical intelligence. Spatial intelligence Involves the ability of an individual to synthesize visual information. Many tests, including SAT tests for IQ, base their evaluation mainly on linguistic and mathematical intelligence, and consequently neglecting spatial intelligence. Kinesthetic intelligence includes acts such as the sense of timing, sensitivity to certain points of repose or the sense of direction among others. An example in kinesthetic intelligence involves fine motor abilities, which entails the ability of an individual to use their hands precisely to carry out delicate movements, for example the movement of a surgeons fingers while conducting an operation in a patient has to be precisely calculated to avoid harming the patient.
Watching, understanding and mimicking certain acts result into art performance. The ability to mimic actions involuntarily allows us to understand the art performances and develop the will to participate in them. Musical intelligence Entails the ability of and individual to distinguish realms of sound. Such individuals also have the ability to adapt easily to social situations that they find themselves in. individuals with high interpersonal intelligence can often be confused to be extroverts. However, the two are not the same as, extroverts are known to enjoy interacting with people while at the same time they can be having low interpersonal intelligence. In school setups, teachers usually are fond of demanding for quiet, however, it is not known to many that interpersonal intelligence can actually lead to success in life. Interacting with peers usually result into exchange of knowledge, which leads directly to success.
One admirable trait about such individuals is their ability to make strong decisions without being swayed by external factors. Such individuals often enjoy keeping journals of emotions, memories and feelings. Such individuals are also characterized by setting high goals with an intense need for perfection. Naturalist intelligence Individuals with naturalist intelligence usually have the desire to learn about the environment. Such individuals often enjoy classifying plants and animal. Such students should not be considered not intelligent. They are equally intelligent, only intelligent in a different manner as opposed to the others in their class. Multiple intelligence vs learning styles Multiple intelligences, should not, however be confused to mean the same as learning styles. While learning styles depict the manner in which a person tackles a range of errands in their learning life, multiple intelligence refers to the different intellectual abilities of different individuals.
Learning styles are, however categorized according to visual, auditory and kinesthetic, impulsive and reflective among others (Diravidamani, 2011). Such children can also be encouraged to work on brainteasers and number riddles to test their logical abilities. Other kids can be motivated to work on understanding computer dynamics by working on becoming proficient at using keyboards (Eberle, 2011). Other logical intelligence activities may include solving word problems, working chemistry sets, solving mathematical puzzles minus a calculator, building structures with Legos, pretending to own a business, reading magazines of science, watching television shows for scientific researches, visiting science museums, playing with rubrics cubes, setting up telescopes or microscopes, helping with calculations involving family funds, and learning to play musical instruments. Children who engages themselves in logical activities soon find themselves doing well on their science and mathematical tests in school.
Additionally, they start unravelling real-life problems without seeking guidance. Fonseca, M. C. Multiple Intelligence Theory and Foreign Language Learning: A Brain-Based Perspective. International Journal Of English Studies, 4(1), 119-136. Barrington, E. American Journal Of Play, 4(1), 19-51. Özdener, N. Özçoban, T. A Project Based Learning Model's Effectiveness on Computer Courses and Multiple Intelligence Theory. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 4(1), 176-180. The Effects of Teaching Activities Prepared According to the Multiple Intelligence Theory on Mathematics Achievements and Permanence of Information Learned by 4th Grade Students. International Journal Of Environmental And Science Education, 2(4), 86-91. Zahedi, S. Moghaddam, E. M.
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