New York City Bilingual Education
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Education
The rate of the city’s growth has been linked to the high rate of immigrants who are moving in to stay. Compared to Chicago the town has emerged to be that destination of immigrants. International immigration is the main reason as the people are looking for the opportunity to explore new opportunities. Among the immigrants are children and the population of people who are bilinguals in moving to either study or permanently stay in the city. Based on one of the articles by New York Times, the population comprises of the several ethnic combinations from Asians, Latinos and the African countries. Other than English, other various languages are used in communication and learning. According to the report, English is a language used by New Yorkers at home. While in school the commonly used linguistics include, English Spanish, Arabic, French and Russian, Haitian, Hebrew due to the population composition.
The top five languages include Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Bengali, and Russian. In the New York Education System, there are two primary two-way bilingual programs of learning to ensure the goals of the programs are met. They are always called to the New Yorks Two-way bilingual learning program in a volunteer measures and are not contribute to the state foundation aid. Therefore its indicated that averagely between 30 to 70 percent of the students participated in the program is aimed to provide more languages for the EEL and the ENL (NYCDOE, 2018). The present offer in regards to multilingual includes Spanish, French Chinese, and Korean. There are possible challenges that accompany the introduction of bilingualism in New York City. The key issues on the possible challenges are aimed at both the Multilanguage and the bilingual practice in learning.
These are conceptualized within the educational study areas of the bilingual education and engage the students into a second language learning environment of about 50 to 100 percent of the teaching time with the aim of increasing proficiency and understanding in both languages. The two secure bilingual submissions, however, present 100% of the learning in a dominant dialect whereby the instructors are not comprehensively involved with the students. In the United States, they use the program identified as the structured immersion In bilingual languages, Language can be defined and categorized either as a problem, a right or a resource. In regards to the aspects challenge, it is based on the idea that the students who belong to the minority ethnic groups are less likely to possess the dominating language and have less ability to learn.
The deep thoughts cause the assumption that a significant number of bilingual students have an inferior brain and slow in learning and the new dialect is a weight to them mentally. For example, the two-way bilingual programs for the L1 and L2 and therein or the outcome indicate knowing other languages is a resource. The bilingual programs are therefore ways of increasing academic objectives and skills. In the two-way American program, some of the models include; The 50/50 model; in this model, the students are allowed to have half of their learning in the English language and the rest in any desired dialect. This design is developed on the norm that from the stat, the involved students must have both languages, the timely delivery of the languages enable for the half day, full day or on a weekly manner (NYCDOE, 2018).
Both languages occur at different timeline’s, and every language is made on a different subject teaching. The model has been embraced in other various nations and the New York Education system recognition of the model would help in the improved standard of LEP. Although there have been criticisms of the model, I intend to recommend a five factors model based on the SIOP model which I think is significant in the linguistic study regardless of the ancient instruction –learning challenges. The five features do not have to be used in a sequence instead executed whenever appropriate. They include; the specific goals, a right input, student-focused plans, interaction emphasis, and, feedback or Assessment. The basis of this model is for the instructors first to understand the content of the features and begin to implement them in both leaning levels such as planning and distribution.
Learning a Second Language MIN WA NG. In Handbook of Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. Routledge. Echevarria, J. Vogt, M. The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - Elementary and Secondary Enrollment - English Language Learners in Public Schools - Indicator April (2018). Retrieved from https://nces. ed. gov/programs/coe/indicator_cgf. asp.
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