Qualitative study designs

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

K. Golden, S. Transfer over time: Stories about transfer years after training.  Performance Improvement Quarterly, 25(4), 43-66. Introduction Yelon, Ford and Golden (2013) endeavor to form grounded theory for long term transfer process. In essence, the scholars broaden the concept of transfer to include the varied use of what someone learnt and not just specific performance by an individual in training. The study represents a qualitative design because the study sample used is very small and also the variables of study will only generate categorical data which can inform opinions, feelings, reasons and motivations. A qualitative study generally generates qualitative data and thematic analysis is used to come up with information that can help to answer the study questions. In addition, the study uses interviews to come up with the desired information which will help to develop theory for future studies.

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In qualitative study also, the research questions emanate from previous research experience. The interviews were either face to face or phone interviews with interviews being recorded on a computer. The average time for the interviews was 37. minutes with minimum time being 27 minutes and the maximum being 47 minutes. The study used transcription to check for accuracy. To check for consistence and ascertain validity, one researcher changed the transcripts to long stories and derived statements that were supported by Fellow’s own statements. Furthermore, the respondents noted that they would be given new roles that were beyond their teaching duties for greater audiences with a view to affect greater authority. Time constraints was a critical factor in making two fellows to change their roles and let go some ongoing applications. The respondents also noted that they developed and tested curriculum as part of their Fellowship projects.

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Almost all the Fellows noted that they added, created or revised course units with some using their ideas from the Fellowship to sharpen their skills. Another group said they continued with curricula development while others expanded their contents to reflect their fellowship projects while some were involved in design and redesign of course materials. They used varied ideas at personal level but in different contexts and in several ways. They used intellectual skills such as analyzing and planning to apply ideas. The positive consequences and a supportive work conditions that the fellows were enjoying made them to continue applying their applications. As time went by, physicians gained mental skills and knowledge and decided to use them and attempted their application. In essence, the long-term transfer process was learning to use and learning from use.

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A further study could help to unearth if the same trend observed for the 8 Fellows can hold in other fields of specialization. More so, a study could try to assess if a similar trend can be seen for transfer for educators in different levels of knowledge such as primary and highs schools as well as university levels educators. The studies meet the Creswell and Creswell’s eight characteristics of qualitative research to a certain extent. The scholars framed the study with the correct assumptions and characteristics. Secondly, the data collection procedures were rigorous and well planned using the appropriate tools in both scenarios. Introduction The article uses the casino industry as a tool to help in achieving the study objectives. The casinos survival depends on the disposable incomes that consumers have.

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The casino industry in the US employs many people either directly or indirectly. As the consumers incomes decline, so do their disposable incomes to spend on luxury such as casinos. Thus, the financial health of a casino is dependent upon the customer satisfaction which is a function of positive customer experiences. The consultant developed a rollout of team development process which would allow for follow-ups. Preplanning with supervisors was done who gave their perspectives on various concerns. The team development saw the team confirm, reinforce or contradict the supervisor’s concerns. Team development for the casino personnel was done b y a third party. Intact work groups helped in team development process which focus on communication and interpersonal skills. From the study, it was observed that total team development improves employee attitudes, behavior and perceptions which leads to improved organizational effectiveness.

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The study also showed that team development increases revenues. The study shewed and increase in revenue by $82500 daily. The regression coefficient was statistically significant at 95% confidence interval with an R-Squared value for the model being 94%. The team development coefficient was also significant at 95% confidence interval. More so, the study detailed methods of rigorous data collection using interviews, analysis and report writing. The data in this study was analyzed using multiple levels of abstraction and the study has begun with a single focus. It is also evident that the researchers wrote the work in a persuasive manner making one feel like they were at the filed. The scholars had carried out a similar study in the past. This the current study reflects culture, history and personal experiences of the scholars. What are the threats to internal validity and reliability in quantitative studies? 6.

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Can study results from a qualitative study be generalized beyond the study sample? Why or not? References Creswell, J. W. Creswell, J. D. K. Golden, S. Transfer over time: Stories about transfer years after training.  Performance Improvement Quarterly, 25(4), 43-66.

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