The Education Technology Revolution is Coming

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

Education technology can empower both the teacher and learner to promote change while fostering the development of new skills. Developing countries have not placed much emphasis on the idea of quality education. The University of Bahrain however has gone an extra mile to adopt technology in education to promote sustainability. The results have been positive with an effective learning process witness coupled with great student achievements. Jamil, Mubashrah, and Jamil Hussain Shah. He lists a number of positive effects of the technology tools both hours outside and inside school. Richtel, Matt. The New York Ties. The New York Times. Web. U. S. News& World Report. Web. 11 Dec. This has raised debate on the value of technology on education with some people claiming that there is need for educators to engage learners in online reading platforms.

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Protagonists, however, argue that technology is not a silver bullet though and it is dangerous if we will replace it for good teaching. I can say that education is becoming a choice for any learner who seeks to find something different. Learners are therefore in a position to see the difference in learning and make decisions. Technology is revolving in education and what we have started experiencing is just the beginning of a greater change expected to be brought about by technology (AlAmmary and Jaflah, 248-257). Matt in his article talks of two researches carried out by Pew research and non-profit organization on individual teacher’s opinion concerning technology. They have different opinions. The Pew research found out that there is minimal similarity in the way young and old teachers perceive technological impact.

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A good percentage perceives that technology has conditioned students into finding quick answers. The others like krispane say that with technology like videogames plus digital presentations, students get engaged. The next bubble to be on top is facebook which will replace all directions and terms used and applied in a classroom. Unfortunately, items like textbooks will be swept away. Therefore, some institutions and colleges will neither be available for students to pursue their education in them. Moreover, he says that every aspect based on education and life issues will change. The talk has almost changed to be of the new and growing Technology which excites everybody and to some extend some have become scary. We can use iPad or computer to take a course now, not only stay in a classroom.

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