The No Child Left Behind Act

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Education

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The president established the bipartisan solutions with great concern on the choice, flexibility and accountability within the Federal education system(Behind, 2008). Therefore the program improved the ESAE by applying all the new strategies and principles which were proposed by the president Bush(Abedi, 2004). It increased the local schools, school districts and the States accountability, it made both parents and students to have greater choice mainly those who are attending the low developed and performing schools, increased the local and states educational agencies flexibility while using the federal education dollars and established stronger emphasis on reading mainly for the young needy children. In summary form, the NCLB was to provide money for the extra educational assistance for the needy children with the benefit of marking improved academic progress within the states(Act,2010).

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Policy Implications / Importance The major purpose why President George Bush established the act was to ensure that each and every needy child in public schools got the chance to achieve his or her educational goals under safe classrooms and by being trained by well-prepared teachers. The program created a new era into the flexibility for accountability within all educational institutions. It enabled the state and the schools districts use the federal education funds in exchange for improvement in their results(Behind, 2008). The program made the states together with the LEA’s to move/ transfer a maximum of fifty percent of the money they received from the four major state grant programs to any of the title 1(Behind, 2008). The program covered the teacher quality state grants, the drug-free schools, the education technology and innovative programs.

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The program enabled the involved LEAs to enter into greater performance agreements with the Secretary of Education and as well enabling them to use the funds which had been consolidated for any of their authorized importance(Abedi, 2004). The Policy Discussions in the State Legislature and Congress The congress held the discussion to reauthorize the elementary and secondary education act by including the Title 1 requirements to the poor and the disadvantaged students. The congress passed that the program has to receive federal school funds as the state give the assessments to all needy children at each of the grade level(Abedi, 2004). The congress supported the program to hold supported educational based standards in order to reform the old system which will be based on the premise that sets high standards and measurable goals to develop personal results in education sector.

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The congress passed the bill with much bipartisan support (Behind, 2008). The No child left behind policy was greatly attached to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1995. After long and hard times from the partisans, the 44th president Barack Obama, signed the new Every Student Succeeds Act abbreviated as ESSA to replace the No Child Left Behind(Jennings & Rentner, 2006). Therefore as for today No Child Left Behind law doesn’t work as it was completely replaced by the ESSA. References Abedi, J. The no child left behind act and English language learners: Assessment and accountability issues.  Educational Researcher, 33(1), 4-14. of 2001.  Public Law, (107-110), 20. Behind, N. C. L. Murray, J. Ost, J. Passel, J. S. Herwantoro, S. L. Betebenner, D. W. Accountability systems: Implications of requirements of the no child left behind act of 2001.

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 Educational researcher, 31(6), 3-16.

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