Business situation that presents a legal and ethical issue
However, within a business environment, it usually involves making decisions that are in line with the rights and wrongs and also align with the law (Cox et al. In describing a situation where, in a business, there is the presenting of a legal and ethical issue, we look at a situation where there will be a decision to be made that might affect the business and hence can be termed as morally wrong towards the business. An example of such a situation is when an employee who can and is usually considered as a prominent figure in any organization is fired. This is one type of position in which could create a big problem for the organization (Cox et al. This is because this employee could go and start a similar business similar to that one that he or she has been fired.
Specific areas of law The areas of law under which the non-compete contract will be put in place include: Law of employment: Under employment law, there are the basic rules that apply to a deal to be put in place. These rules help in the creation of a valid employment contract (Legal and Socio-Ethical Issues in Online Business, 2007). They include competency to contract, acceptance of the offer and also considerations of the validity. Contract law: Most of the contracts in the United States deals with anything else apart from the purchase and trade of commodities. For this reasons, they are ruled by common law. med:psych/9780195389241. Legal and Socio-Ethical Issues in Online Business. Online Business Security Systems, 15-35. doi:10. Rauch, J. A. Ethical theory and stakeholder-related decisions:.
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