Philosophy Homework Samples & Study Documents – Page 3

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The Qualities of the Prince Essay

This essay is directly addressed to princes, but I find that any…

Words: 629Pages: 3

Existence of evil Essay

It is also worth noting that those who practice evil live a…

Words: 1769Pages: 7

Must Sex Involve Commitment

Sex between people of opposite gender is the most common form of…

Words: 1663Pages: 6

Transgender Rights Essay

However, there are many people who do not feel like they belong…

Words: 1778Pages: 7

Evaluation of the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act as it is known by most people is…

Words: 1060Pages: 4

How parents use the four parenting styles to handle the challenge of children quarrelling

In the occasion when children quarrel, such parents may call upon the…

Words: 687Pages: 3


A majority of people who use the performance enhancing drugs do so…

Words: 913Pages: 4

Resurrection Song African American Spirituality

As it was also noted, the American way of worship did not…

Words: 1437Pages: 6

Meaning of Life Essay

Unfortunately, many of us fail to recognize that there is an interval…

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Primarily, it defines an arbitrary principle as on the other part it…

Words: 2086Pages: 8

Plato and Objectivism

The objective theory contains both the knowledge of metaphysical and epistemological assumptions…

Words: 571Pages: 3

Does Free Will Exist

These clearly conflicting insistences have caused some perplexity among his readers. Keeping…

Words: 1763Pages: 7

Heaviest Burden Essay

Nietzsche imagines a possibility of recurrence of humanity at every noontime. Nietzsche…

Words: 732Pages: 3

Islamic Ethics on Abortion and Euthanasia

The development of the contemporary society and the rapid progress of civilization…

Words: 2150Pages: 8

Can Robot be Conscious

L. Picard, W. Riker, who acted as the first officer in command…

Words: 950Pages: 4

Is an invention a new idea

Coyote that consolidated ideas of using ropes, cage, and poison among others…

Words: 656Pages: 3


Globalization which has impacted the world in a magnificent way is also…

Words: 1199Pages: 5

Police Brutality in Montgomery

The curse of police brutality on the African-Americans plagues the skin of…

Words: 1564Pages: 6

Kant and Anselm Philosophical Arguments

For instance, the modified version of the design discussion relies on empirical…

Words: 1223Pages: 5

Essay on David Hume

While Locke expect there is a material substance which causes our observations,…

Words: 2453Pages: 9

Human Freedom Term Paper

In so doing, they deem the theory of determinism is the best…

Words: 1214Pages: 5

Aristotle's Ethics Essay

In Poetics, he offers his definition of tragedy as, “is an imitation…

Words: 1461Pages: 6

McLuhan and the Critical Perspective

In fact, he explains that the balances of human senses have been…

Words: 305Pages: 2

Why I would Attend Summer Hill School

Children and all adults were born ignorant, illiterate and innumerate of any…

Words: 929Pages: 4


According to Alfred Marshall, economics is defined as the study of mankind…

Words: 1359Pages: 5

Vaccines Have Side Effects Essay

Vaccination, also called immunization, is a process where living organisms are injected…

Words: 3060Pages: 12


Some of the most common and detrimental mental illnesses such as schizophrenia,…

Words: 2248Pages: 9

Aquinas Natural Law Theory

When God created living things, He put into them natural senses and…

Words: 710Pages: 3

If God exists is murder immoral

This paper is an essay that presents the immorality in killing in…

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Sanlu Milk Incident Business Ethics Analysis

Melamine is a chemical with low poisonous features that result to kidney…

Words: 979Pages: 4

Do we have obligations to help the distant poor

Mortality does not require the weighing of the needs from an impartial…

Words: 1760Pages: 7

Morality and Immorality essay

Socrates who is a key character in the republic refuted the notion…

Words: 788Pages: 3

The Ultimate Consequence of Capital Punishment

At those times, crucifixion, stoning, beheading, burning, or more they were the…

Words: 1725Pages: 7

The Fate of The Beatles

The authors conclude that trying the criminals through the court system in…

Words: 745Pages: 3

Ajax Corporation Case Analysis

Because the company wants to look good in the financial community, it…

Words: 559Pages: 3

Human Nature Essay

The study will also show the comparative strengths and weaknesses, supporting arguments…

Words: 1754Pages: 7

Critical Analysis of Karl Marx Estranged Labour

The worker becomes an ever cheaper commodity the more commodities he creates…

Words: 1254Pages: 5

The problem of Disjunction for Casual Approach to Mental Content

The approach of Casual is developed with the help of other representation…

Words: 2143Pages: 8

Utilitarianism v Kantianism

utilitarianism as postulated by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart, and Kantianism as…

Words: 509Pages: 2

Ethical theories Essay

Virtue ethics is an approach to ethics that can emphasize individual’s character…

Words: 906Pages: 4

Essay on Nationalism

Citizen’s motivation towards attaining self-determination raises concern regarding if it ought to…

Words: 1882Pages: 7

Competitive analysis of JJCBE

It is reputed for providing competent accountancy and management professionals who drive…

Words: 456Pages: 2

Philosophy A Text with Reading by Manual Velazquez

Human nature by definition is referred to as the core characteristics which…

Words: 1391Pages: 6

Moral realism Essay

According to my perspective moral realism needs us to agree with intrinsic…

Words: 358Pages: 2

Foucaults treatment of bio power in the history of sexuality

Michel Foucault argues that bio-power has the power to allow or disallow…

Words: 1896Pages: 7

Berkeley's Criticisms of Materialism

He held a belief that what we perceive is as we perceive…

Words: 1108Pages: 5

Comparing and Contrasting Kantianism and Utilitarianism

Despite the fact that these two views on moral ethics show differing…

Words: 1923Pages: 7

Identification of an orchestral center

To locate this concert was very simple and easy as searching for…

Words: 580Pages: 2

The issue of carbon tax

As a result of this, carbon tax is one of the largest…

Words: 2760Pages: 11

Philosophical Reasoning essay

On the other hand, philosophy was also essential in creating some of…

Words: 1168Pages: 5

Humanities in Modern Life

Therefore, literary criticism creates language and theories that explain literary expression. Traditional…

Words: 2101Pages: 8

Personal Philosophy of Success essay

My success is to attain wealth as well as maintaining health in…

Words: 767Pages: 3

Medical Ethics Research Paper

All nurses and medical professionals have the moral and ethical duty to…

Words: 1515Pages: 6

Attitude towards Mathematics essay

Though for this case the issue is sensitive. Using a sample of…

Words: 661Pages: 3

Self identity essay

Everyone has a unique character different from another person. How a person…

Words: 1124Pages: 5

What are stem cells

Stem cells can be distinguished easily because of its two unique traits…

Words: 1416Pages: 6

Demystifying Theory of Philosophy

What about philosophy then. Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental…

Words: 1354Pages: 5

Christian vs Atheist Essay

The Christians who believe that miracles are true and the atheists who…

Words: 369Pages: 2


Religion offers one of the best examples of the concept of free…

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Is faith compatible with reason

Contrary to this John Locke is one philosopher who banks on a…

Words: 982Pages: 4

Drone Warfare Research

Drones have improved battles as soldiers do not need to be physically…

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Plato and feminism in the Republic

Balance then again its strict use has, apparently, a close connection together…

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Knowledge and reality Essay

They include: Knowledge’s definition, inference methods and data. B). In defining knowledge,…

Words: 550Pages: 2

Descartes Third Meditation Analysis

The main argument on God’ existence is based on theoretical proofs, and…

Words: 1156Pages: 5

Dax Cowart Video Reflection

Dax’s condition raises severe ethical and legal issues and touches on four…

Words: 459Pages: 2

The Surprising Solution to Workplace Diversity

Arwa Mahdawi’s TED Talk on workplace diversity presents some solutions that are…

Words: 599Pages: 3

Public Health Essay

Therefore, this matter needs to be dealt with efficiently by creating strong…

Words: 1454Pages: 6

Influence of the Photograph to Record the War

This article gives an analysis of chapter 2 of Sontag’s book and…

Words: 2372Pages: 9

Knowing the world versus knowing the arithmetic truths

Notably, knowing the world surrounding us emanates from our experiences; what we…

Words: 310Pages: 2

Objection to Rands Theory of Ethical Egoism

This paper is therefore intended to contest and critique this theory of…

Words: 715Pages: 3

Philosophy essay

To date, philosophers are still searching for the relationship that exists between…

Words: 912Pages: 4

Reason to be Moral

Therefore, this essay will tackle on a bit of theory by some…

Words: 354Pages: 2

Morality essay

It is not always possible to come up with some universal behaviours/way…

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Someone Could Be Consistently In Favor Of Allowing Euthanasia but Against Allowing Abortion

The human mind is not really logical and we are never consistent…

Words: 1317Pages: 5

Theology Discussion forum

It is therefore essential to study and think theologically. Theology helps us…

Words: 447Pages: 2

Kant and Mill Concepts

Hence, in the film, Jacob and Lou were more than willing to…

Words: 349Pages: 2

Gandhis System of Nonviolence

Times have changed and today’s world is different. What worked in the…

Words: 942Pages: 4

Essay on revenge and trauma

Hyperarousal is the first cardinal symptom in which an individual persistently anticipates…

Words: 789Pages: 3

John Locke and Universal Access to Healthcare

The question of why healthcare is not considered a natural right begs…

Words: 899Pages: 4

Classical Utilitarians summary

The classical utilitarian is a theoretical phenomenon that states that the best…

Words: 954Pages: 4

Analyze and evaluate Descartes' two proofs of God's existence

Philosophers have built on the argument presented by Descartes as they try…

Words: 1445Pages: 6

Difference between Henri Bergsons notion of memory and David Humes concept of taste

However, Bergson depicts the involuntary memory as “the recognition of a present…

Words: 625Pages: 3

Comparison between Buddhism and Christianity

According to Buddhism, Just like a piece of paper cannot spontaneously come…

Words: 2071Pages: 8

Marijuana Is Beneficial and Should Be Legalized

There is belief that smoking of any substance including marijuana has bad…

Words: 1975Pages: 8

Analysis of Makah Hunting of Gray Whales

It is sometimes necessary to restore a community heritage to instill the…

Words: 598Pages: 3

CMC Critique

In 1954, AECL helped Canada to build its first nuclear power plant…

Words: 1501Pages: 6

Buddhism and Social Justice

This liberation drama unfolded against interconnectedness (pratitya-samutpada), which is a metaphysical cosmos…

Words: 839Pages: 4

Arguments for Gods existence

The debate has remained ongoing in various parts of the world and…

Words: 1577Pages: 6

Ethics of war Essay

Killing on a massive scale has become an ethical issue and had…

Words: 714Pages: 3


Therefore sense without intellect makes people believe in the wrong things. When…

Words: 545Pages: 2

Plato and Aristotle Annotated Bibliography

https://books. google. co. ke/books?hl=en&lr=&id=4h8ru4r0J1AC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Barker,+E. +The+political+thought+of+Plato+and+Aristotle. According to Barker, there is different between…

Words: 1516Pages: 6

Cases about Student Athlete Drug Testing

Students Athletes in both learning institutions need to persevere through long rehearses…

Words: 654Pages: 3

Webcams in School Laptops

This is to enable him or she does an ethical installation that…

Words: 528Pages: 2

Response Paper to McCloskeys Article On Being Atheist

He goes ahead to explain that most people are moved to theism…

Words: 2233Pages: 9

The St Luke Essay

Luke was born in Antioch where the apostle was first called Christian,…

Words: 1735Pages: 7

Rationalist and an Empiricist

Ideally, rationalists have two bases that guide their views (Russell 63). The…

Words: 600Pages: 3

Considering Obligations Case Study

She does not report them to the police. This case in point…

Words: 332Pages: 2

Death Penalty Doesnt Deter Crimes

If killers are penalized to death and murdered, possible killers will think…

Words: 474Pages: 2

Analysis of feminism in Obasan by Joy Kogawa and Creative Expressions by Maythee Rojas

The purpose of this paper is to give an analysis by comparing…

Words: 1340Pages: 5

The Ethics of War Case Study

There existed a deterioration of the relationship between Banyarwanda and Tutsis. Individuals…

Words: 665Pages: 3

Karl marx Alienation From The Self

These philosophers have described ideal conditions that facilitate the attainment of social,…

Words: 2378Pages: 9

Discussion on Moral Rule

The action would entirely be based on impartial and rational thinking culminating…

Words: 316Pages: 2

Ethics Moral Decision Point

Occasionally, however, there have been instances where certain higher ranking individuals have…

Words: 895Pages: 4

Ethical Decision Making

This conceptual paper critically analyses ethical decision in a specific case scenario…

Words: 2280Pages: 9

Service to others essay

Despite the differences in the patients, serving them equally and fairly is…

Words: 881Pages: 4

Yin-Yang way of Thinking and the Hegelian Model

The summer is hot while the spring is warm. This is because…

Words: 1850Pages: 7

Differences in Thought between Plato and Aristotle

Aristotle was a student of Plato who in turn was a student…

Words: 2213Pages: 9


John Stuart Mill had a lot of interest in the definitions of…

Words: 1533Pages: 6